I am using and install Special K v or some other Special K version from this website. (1) What version of Special K should I be using with the SOTTR? I have partially read the Special K v post but I am still confused if I should uninstall the Special K v 0. From the waist down she almost looks like she is wearing pantyhose. Lara still has the same overall color, but from the waist up she is light and from the waist down she is dark. The problem with the mod is that Lara from the waist up is one color and from the waist down is another color. and have installed the dxgi.dll, SpecialK64.pdb, and Version folder, inside the SOTTR Steam game directory.
The mod I have installed from the Booty Edition is kind of working. Once she receives this Tunic you can then use the mods available to dress or undress her. I purchased SOTTR a few days ago on Steam and have played up to Paititi, where Lara is given the Blue Heron Tunic. The hardware I am using to play the game on the PC is a Razer Blade 15 Advanced laptop with an ASUS PA32UCX monitor.
I am primarily a gamer on the consoles, PS4 to be precise, and the game I am going to be asking about below, Shadow of the Tomb Raider (SOTTR), I have already completed and platinumed on the PS4. So I am going to apologize in advance for being such a newbie when it comes to using Special K and arriving at the mod party late.